Update announcement on Curve LP rewards. Latest epoch is now live.

04 May 2023, 07:31
šŸ‘‹šŸ‘‡ Update announcement on Curve LP rewards; Latest epoch is now live! Curve incentive rewards are continue across all FF previously incentivized FF asset pools Due to incentivization total USD value across incentivized pools has grown to $13m+ This epoch incentives allocations and supply of ibXXX assets within Iron Bank have been adjusted to help improve pool balances A small issue with Curve UI displaying incorrect USD data impacting reported TVLs has also been fixed on the KRW pool Yields available currently are; ~ ibEUR / USDC @ $4.2m TVL = up to 15.38% tAPR ~ ibEUR / sEUR @ $3.99m TVL = up to 8.48% tAPR ~ ibCHF / sCHF @ $1.15m TVL = up to 14.5% tAPR ~ ibGBP / sGBP @ $791k TVL = up to 20.8% tAPR ~ ibAUD / sAUD @ $897.9k TVL = up to 35.93% tAPR ~ ibKRW / sKRW @ $1.01m TVL = up to 16.2% tAPR ~ ibJPY / sJPY @ $1.13m TVL = up to 28.7% tAPR Yield will scale downwards (i.e. decrease) with increase in pool TVL šŸ’§-liquidity-providers can boost their yield rewards by depositing LP tokens within Yearn vaults or on Convex Yearn Vaults - will auto-compound yield back into LP position & offers a 2.5x boost across all pools: ~ ibEUR / USDC; https://yearn.finance/vaults/1/0x9F8B5c0fc18B79DdFc05b21c43da7E324Cf3B8Eb ~ ibEUR / sEUR; https://yearn.finance/vaults/1/0xD347e7A3DdF5Ce4C42E19a4F30eEAA761795C72B ~ ibCHF / sCHF; https://yearn.finance/vaults/1/0x72FaEA467BD88db6720A861e56A3a72B4Aa579DF ~ ibGBP / sGBP; https://yearn.finance/vaults/1/0xbE4afE6737CCf34cA21cdeF461E5C7547Adc8C77 ~ ibAUD / sAUD; https://yearn.finance/vaults/1/0x1b905331F7dE2748F4D6a0678e1521E20347643F ~ ibJPY / sJPY; https://yearn.finance/vaults/1/0x59518884EeBFb03e90a18ADBAAAB770d4666471e ~ ibKRW / sKRW; https://yearn.finance/vaults/1/0x5359680A80c1FB2175cD33efF32f762e43cD8C41 Convex - will boost CRV rewards (1.8x - 1.9x) whilst also providing CVX rewards; ~ search pools for "ibEUR, ibCHF, ibGBP, ibAUD, ibKRW or ibJPY" Reminders; - Synthetix assets can be swapped between sXXX stables via Kwenta Pro-tips; Make sure to hold a synthetix asset prior to utilizing Kwenta, to do so acquire assets from existing pools - sETH/ sUSD can be acquired from 1inch or curve (use to swap to sXXX via Kwenta) - up to 426.5k of sAUD can be acquired from the ibAUD/sAUD pool (when purchased with ibAUD) at a discount due to pool overbalance + sAUD can be swapped to other sXXX via kwenta to enter other imbalanced pools for a bonus! (Additional bonus can be earnt on curve by providing ratio of assets that help achieve pool balance) ~ Fixed Forex Pool Balances; ibEUR / sEUR = 68/32% [buy ibEUR at discount] ibCHF / sCHF = 87/13% [buy ibCHF at discount] ibGBP / sGBP = 90/10% [buy ibGBP at discount] ibAUD / sAUD = 34/66% [buy sAUD at discount] ibJPY / sJPY = 60/40% [buy ibJPY at discount] ibKRW / sKRW= 87/13% [buy ibKRW at discount] - Observe curve pool balance before entry as LP. - Fixed Forex assets (ibXXX stables) can be borrowed from Iron Bank Current Fixed Forex borrow rates; ~ ibEUR @ 4.52% APY ~ ibCHF @ 3.59% APY ~ ibGBP @ 5.8% APY ~ ibAUD @ 4% APY ~ ibJPY @ 2.65% APY ~ ibKRW @ 5.36% APY Happy yield farming folks! šŸ‘Øā€šŸŒ¾